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We help you get European funding

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More than 27 years of experience in projects financed by the European Union


At ONECO we are aware of the difficulty to manage an European project. The complexity of administrative procedures, the necessary technical specialization and the mastery of languages, ​​represent a real challenge that we can help you to overcome.


Drafting of European Projects

From the generation of ideas and the organization of the Consortium to the proposal presentation.

European Project Management

Technical, financial and administrative management; monitoring, evaluation, communication and audit assistance.

Consortium with European partners

Horizon Europe, Life etc. We participate jointly in the main consortia with our network of partners in Europe and also assist in reviewing applications, conducting workshops and providing technical assistance.

Project evaluation for public, semi-public and private organizations

We help specify project objectives, identify key indicators to measure project success, and map out activities for data collection and analysis, establishing a timeline for analyzing project success on an ongoing basis.

Comprehensive consultancy for the development of your European projects

Advice and technical support for the development of your European projects, covering all phases of the project life cycle.

Support in the review, justification and monitoring of European projects

We provide support in the revision of the manual, in the application forms, modification of the execution period, in the amounts of the sub-concepts granted, that the requirements established in the call for proposals are met and that they are adequately justified in the mandatory monitoring reports.

Training Internships in Europe

Over 20 years of experience coordinating mobility programs for public and private institutions and schools.

Training Courses

Courses, seminars and practical workshops aimed for technicians from public and private entities.


International Partners

Success stories

ONECO provides service throughout Spain